Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Mary Jane's Farm

                My mom and I are always looking for new gluten-free recipes to try.  One place that we can regularly turn to is the magazine Mary Jane’s Farm.  A magazine full of ideas on how to live a more natural and simple life, oftentimes the recipes featured are already gluten-free or advice is given as to how you can make it gluten-free.  Not all the time, I must say, but certainly a good deal of it.
                Recently my mom and I tried Mary Jane’s Gluten-Free Peanut Butter Skillet Brownies.  They turned out really well, even with us forgetting the sugar.  My mom then made the brownies a second time for a work function.  This time she remembered the sugar, but replaced the peanut butter with a chocolate ganache.  The brownies were a hit.  Nobody even cared that they were gluten-free.
                While most Mary Jane’s Farm issues have at least one gluten-free recipe, not all of them do.  That does not mean you shouldn’t still read those issues though.  There are always great articles and news bits, no matter if there happens to be a gluten-free recipe in that issue or not.  We have personally found Mary Jane’s Farm at Woodman’s and Outpost Natural Foods, but check with your favorite bookstore as well.  If you would like a subscription to Mary Jane’s Farm, visit MaryJanesFarm.org.

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