Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Gluten Free & More Magazine

            It seems that just about everyone knows someone who is gluten intolerant.  For people who don’t have this allergy, it can be hard for them to find food a gluten free person can eat.  This is where a gluten free orientated magazine may be of help. 
The magazine I found that had a good selection of recipes was Gluten Free & More.  I got an issue with Mac & Cheese as a highlighted article, which goes to show that no matter what, Macaroni and Cheese is on just about everybody’s dietary list. 
If you want to try out a gluten free magazine before purchasing it, see if it's available at your local library.  As you look through it, you may find that the recipes work for those who aren’t gluten intolerant too.
I purchased Gluten Free & More at Woodman’s.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Chocolate Trader Chocolate Chunks

             There is something different about the Chocolate Chunks made by The Chocolate Trader.  First, they have few ingredients, are all natural, and are gluten-free.  Second, each flavor is made with African chocolate liquor and infused with olive oil.  Lastly, and what I find to be the most different, is these chocolate chunks get better the longer you have them.  That is something that usually does not happen.  Normally when a product has been open for awhile, the flavor starts to turn or lessen.  With these chocolate chunks I found the flavor kept improving over time (about a month), making the last chunk taste even better than the first.
                The Chocolate Trader makes three flavors of chocolate chunks: Dark Chocolate, Dark Chocolate and Sea Salt, and Dark Chocolate and Mint.  I had the Dark Chocolate and Mint.  All three flavors can be found at Outpost Natural Foods. 