Thursday, September 1, 2016

The Baker’s Treat Mysteries by Nancy J. Parra

Image obtained from
             While at the library one day, my mom and I came across an entire set of mystery books centered around a gluten-free bakery.  The series is called The Baker’s Treat Mysteries.  Set in the state of Kansas, the books follow Toni, a celiac, as she tries to run a gluten-free bakery in her hometown.  The area she is in is very strong in wheat production, making it difficult for Toni to get her bakery off the ground.  Many of the people don’t understand what Toni is trying to do, nor are they very supportive, but Toni is determined to make her bakery a success.  Now if only the people around her would stop getting murdered.                  
            There are currently three books in The Baker’s Treat Mysteries series: Gluten for Punishment, Murder Gone A-Rye, and Flourless to Stop Him. They are all fun books with a good mystery and have the added benefit of having gluten-free recipes in the back. I suggest you check these books out from the library or purchase them from your bookseller of choice. These books are available for order from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Boswell Book Company.

                                                                                                   Image added 9/1/16.