Sunday, September 20, 2015


                I swear I could live on Cheerios.  For awhile I practically did.  With so many flavors to choose from it’s hard not to fall in love with one of them.  Now that many are gluten-free, it’s even easier.       
                Cheerios has come out with five flavors that are gluten-free: Original (Yellow Box), MultiGrain, Honey Nut, Apple Cinnamon, and Frosted.  The great thing about these flavors is they will always be gluten-free.  Just as with Chex, there will not be any comparing of boxes to determine which one is gluten-free and which one is not.  Every single box of these flavors will have a seal declaring it gluten-free.  There is one warning, though.  These boxes with the gluten-free seal are fairly new so some of the old ones may still be on the shelf.  While in the end you won’t have to compare boxes, for now make sure you see the seal before purchasing.
                Since going gluten-free is a new endeavor for Cheerios, they have put a great informational section on their website (  In animation they explain the entire process from the farm to the cereal box of how they were able change their product to make it gluten-free.  At various points through this explanation, you can click on different videos to get further information on certain topics.  There is also a Frequently Asked Questions section at the bottom.
                Cheerios are a product that can be purchased practically everywhere.  Most grocery stores and stores with grocery sections (such as Target) carry them.  I have purchased Cheerios at Pick ‘n Save, Sendik’s, Woodman’s, and Sam’s Club.

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